packJPG, packMP3, packPNM, packARI, packHUF, packLZH and unpackJPG are now updated with new contact information and some minor bugfixes. This step was required because the original home of packJPG on the HTW Aalen University website is closing soon (granted, that website is severely outdated now, too). With the original
Archive for packMP3
We are now on GitHub!
Needless to say, this step was long overdue. You may now download all of my source codes, follow my development, fork my software and collaborate with me on my official GitHub repo.
This blog will still get updated, but only with public releases.
packMP3 v1.0f update
… and here it is: packMP3, finally released under the LGPL v3 (formerly: GPL v3). Other than this major licensing change, very little has changed for the packMP3 source code itself.
What’s new:
- packMP3 licensing changed to LGPL v3
- some minor bugfixes
This update should mainly be interesting to anyone looking to add PMP compatibility to a non GPL software project. Keep in mind that also with the LPGL licensing you’ll need to keep the packMP3 code apart from the rest from your code (for non GPL projects) and you’ll also have to release any modifications of the code back to the general public.
packJPG & packMP3 Options by Michael Lee
Developer Michael Lee discontinued (most of) his Photo Tools page. This includes the official downloads of packJPG Options and packMP3 Options, which are excellent graphical user interfaces for packJPG and packMP3.
You may find the downloads for most recent versions of both tools in the packJPG and packMP3 sections of this page now. While you’re at it, you might also give Michael’s excellent GPStamper tool a try.
On another, slightly related note, expect the LGPL release of packMP3 and packARC soon!